Source amnesia
Source amnesia

source amnesia

The disorder is particularly episodic, where source or contextual information surrounding facts are severely distorted and/or unable to be recalled. Source amnesia neuropsychological association diagram with partial information processing and long term memory organization chart ( Shaheen Lakhan & Catherine Laplace). 1999.Source amnesia is an explicit memory disorder in which someone can recall certain information, but they do not know where or how they obtained it. It is when we try to bring this forgotten part back under pressure and suggestion that we run into trouble. In this process, the source of a memory is usually the most fragile part and therefore the first to go. The ability to forget is a useful and underrated part of how human memory works. This problem is tracked by the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, an organization that examines subjects fixated on a false memory yet who meet good-natured resistance from siblings, family, and/or the accused. How reliable is a courtroom testimony from an abuse survivor who has, with the help of suggestive clinical treatment, "recovered" repressed memory of the event? Unfortunately, some witnesses and victims present false memories condemning the innocent accused as a product of source amnesia and the misinformation effect. The implications of these phenomena are terribly significant in the arena of courtroom science. Person B is more likely to remember more aftermath gore and carnage based upon the violence of the word "plummet" versus the neutrality of the basic verb "fall." In this way, distant memories can be subtly altered. Person A is told that Bob fell ten stories while person B is told that Bob plummetted ten stories. For example, person A and person B were both witnesses to the same jumper suicide. You remember getting kidnapped with your sister in a van and escaping to tell the authorities, but it was actually an episode of Diff'rent Strokes.Īlso very closely related to source amnesia is the misinformation effect: the power of suggestibility on distant memories. You recall a vivid childhood occasion in which you accidentally back the car out of the driveway into the street, but it was actually the neighbor's kid who did this. You love rocky road ice cream because your favorite cousin would always take you to the corner ice cream shop on saturday mornings as a kid, but it was actually your babysitter who did this. This process of dynamic fiction is called source amnesia.Įxamples: you remember someone's face but not ever meeting the person. Sometimes, through either suggestion or imagination, we create a new source for existing memory. In other words, it can be difficult to attribute a source to a memory encoded in the distant past. As time passes from the original inception of the memory, the further that memory moves from its source. As memory gets encoded, parts get distributed to different areas of the brain and the source gets separated from the actual memory. A concept in psychology where a person retains a vivid memory from an utterly fictional source.

Source amnesia